One or our blinds had gone wonky a couple weeks ago and MJ tried to fix it.
She succeeded with a lot of trials and errors. Then a couple days later, another blind didn’t want to go up or down, sooo, we decided to get some mini blinds from Sears and get rid of these troublesome pieces of garbage.
When we were trying to put up the blind, we noticed that the carpet under the window was wet. OH NO. We have a leak. Yep, it was coming down from the ceiling, into a cupboard and down on the floor. MJ & Clancy patched the hole on the roof with duct tape (my answer to everything). We bought some goop at an RV centre in Kamloops and MJ will go on the roof ( yes, MJ, not this chicken, too scared of heights) and fix it when the sun decides to come out and dry the roof.
Sunday, Casie and Louise from Kamloops came for a visit. Casie, happy retirement as of Friday June 29th.
Yesterday, while Clancy, MJ & I were out getting firewood, Lorie cooked a rhubarb pie which we had for desert last night.
Went fishing today, Thursday, at a lake that Clancy and Lorie took us with their quads. Nice place, however, only Clancy and MJ caught anything. Clancy couldn’t get them off his hook. At one point, he had a fish on just about every cast.
Tonight the weather turned cold, so we are both inside computering.

Behind that fog, there is a lake and trees in the background. This was taken a couple night ago when the fog rolled in on the lake.

This is what it usually looks like.
June 15th
Nice sunny day today.
June 16th
Not so nice today. Rain all night. Good day to go to Little Fort to get water and publish my blog.

This design is on the end of a piece of wood that Sam cut.

MJ, Jill, Lorie, Clancy and Sam. Look at that nice fire.
This is our new shed that Sam & MJ installed on our 5th wheel today. Looking very good. Jill is our private photographer.
We had our truck serviced today at Dearborn Ford in Kamloops. We are now ready to go camping, which should happen on Thursday.
Went to dinner at our friends Louise and Casey tonight. Had a great evening.
Have to write a note just to settle the natives. Friends are complaining that we haven't posted anything for so long. So, here is a short and sweet synopsis of what has happened in the last few days. Short but maybe not sweet.
Left Logan Lake on the 29th of April after having coffee and a campfire with Charlie, Lynden and Trent. Drove to Kamloops and stopped at our friends Sam & Jill til the 31st. Our chain saw was not working property, so MJ dropped it of at a repair shop til Monday to get it fixed.
Bought an LED light for the trailer and it doesn't work, so will have to return it on Monday.
On the 31st we drove to Vernon and dropped our 5th wheel at our friends Don & Marla and barelly had time to give them a hug and we left to set up our crafts at the fair called Creative Chaos. The fair was on Friday, Sat and Sunday. Three days of hustle and bustle. We did quite well and got rid of a lot of crafts that took a lot of room in the 5th wheel. There are a lot of quails around their yard, not to mention all kinds of birds. The darn quails woke us up every morning at 4 am. So, we had to get up and close the bedroom window, because we didn't have a slingshot to use.
Today, Monday, we drove back to Kamloops and we are now sitting in Sam & Jill's driveway.
Sam drove us around to pick up the chain saw, exchange the LED light, pick up a cord for one of our blinds that needs repairs and to the hospital for me to pick up some cancer meds. Later on they cooked us a great meal. Are we spoiled or what..... Sam, Jill and MJ are gone for a walk in the rain. I opted to stay in the nice and cosy house and blog. My excuse is that I have a cold and didn't want to walk in the rain.
Pics to follow.