Monday, March 17, 2014

Last dinner on the Ridge

The second we told our friends Donna, Mike, Charlie and Lynden that we were moving to Alamo Lake, the girls piped up and said that they would cook us dinner before we left and that we were to bring nothing.  (bring nothing) is that good english or what.  And our friends Candy and Rod were told the same thing because we were all leaving the same day.  Well, it was a feast, to say the least.  Along with the 6 mentioned above, there were two more couples:  Ursula and Heinz and also, Arlette and Rolly. So total of 12 including MJ & I.

First, there were appetizers fit for a queen.  Then there was the main course of chilli and chinese lettuce rap.  Buns and what nots.  And for desert: brownies.  To top if off, we had a great big fire going.  (campfire, that is) .  We owe you big time folks.  Better come down next year.

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The wind co-operated and we had to sit in the shade of the trailer because it would have been too hot in the sun.

Trip on the Colorado

On March 2nd, our friend Cathy took us on a jet boat ride (cruise) on the Colorado River.  It started at Martinez lake and went up 32 miles on the river.  Weather was perfect and we had a great time.

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Ducks watching us leave                            Jet boat


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We were being watched by this heron and big horn sheep.

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Our special lady, Cathy


Hold on to your hats ladies, we are off…….

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An old miner’s cabin, all built out of rocks found in the desert.  Quite impressive for the 1800s.


Then we stopped for lunch at Norton’s Landing. Historic steamboat site that once was a mining town, again in the 1800s.  The tour operators/owners give $25.00 of each registration to bring 4th graders on a camping trip to Norton’s Landing.

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MJ wants to know what this glass container could contain.


Thank you Cathy for a fun and exciting day.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

We have moved from Imperial Dam

On March the 5th, we decided to follow our friends Rod and Candice to Alamo Lake, which is approximately 130 miles from where we were at Imperial Dam.  Let me tell you, it was the day from hell, well, not that bad, but shit happened.

First, I must tell you: Sam and Jill, DO NOT READ THE NEXT PARAGRAPH.

On our way to our new destination, our blue boy (shit pit)  decided to go on a journey on its own.  It flew off the back of the truck on into oncoming traffic.  Rod was behind us and saw this blue thing flying out of the side of the trailer with a pair of yellow gloves and a set of wheels trying to pass him.  That was the funny part, however, a semi drove into our blue boy and ripped it to shreds.  Lucky that it wasn’t a car that was coming in the opposite direction.  There was no time to avoid it with Rod coming behind us. 


We get to the lake and find the perfect spot and set up.  Then I go in the trailer to check if we get internet, NOT, check the cell phone, NOT,  Check the TV, NOT, the same for Candice and Rod.  So, we decide that we will move the next day and go to Quartzsite, so we get in Candice’s car and go to the restaurant about a mile away at a camping resort.  Yep, you guessed it, it’s closed.  grrrrrr  That afternoon our neighbours were flying these things:

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I think they are crazy, but to each it’s own.

There was a thingy happening in Q this past week end and we went to a concert by the nudist book store owner Paul Winer.

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Different camels.

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Rod and Candy fooling around                 MJ putting up the solar panels.

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Enough for today, see ya later.