Saturday, May 1, 2010

Water damage repairs ARE DONE. yippee

Finally, all the repairs are done. Final day was Friday and everything looks great. We are tired, tired, tired. Had a little fly in the ointment this morning. Went out with 3 people from Alberta, whom we had met while we were staying at the Ramada Inn during the repairs. Drove out to Steveston to show them the fishing boats at the dock with fishermen selling their catch. I parallell parked and when we came back, some smart ass kid with a BMW said that I had backed into his car when I parked. Which none of the 5 people in the truck felt or heard, so we feel that this guy is looking for someone to pay for his bent license plate, (which is all the damage we saw.) Came home and called our insurance company and we have to go see a claims adjuster on Monday morning so they can take a few measurements to determine if we hit this geek or not. So, our trip may be delayed a few hours, as we were going to hit the road early Monday morning. Janice: I will not tell you what we ate, except if it's lobster.


  1. Yes please - tell me all about your lobster meals. I can't remember the last time I had lobster - and I've never had it fresh on the east coast - so eat lots for me too :o)

  2. Yes, Janice, we will be pigs (or at least I will be a pig). lots and lots of fresh lobsters. My bro gets it directly from the fishermen when they come in to dock after their day at sea.
