Sunday, September 16, 2012

We are at our transition home.

Sept 11th
Went to Sam & Jill's in Kamloops to leave a bunch of stuff that we don't need in the US.
Went out for dinner and slep there overnight.

Sept 12th
S & J had a louvered tail gate that was sitting in their garage doing nothing, so they gratefully lent it to us for our trip south and see if we like it.  We love it.  A lot easier to hook up and unhook the 5th wheel.  They also lent us their tote for dumping our black water.  That will also be great down south.
We left them with a bit of heavy hearts, and headed back to Logan Lake.
Had a great dinner with Charlie and Lynden that evening.

Sept 13th
Left Logan Lake with still another heavy heart.
Drove to Langley and parked at Walmart.

Sept 14th
Went to our trailer repair guy in Langley.
Had our wheel bearings packed and in the process of taking the wheels off, noticed that 2 of our brake pads were cracked, so had pads replaced on all 4 wheels. 
Then drove to Peace Arch RV park.  They are full.  We are parked in some overflow parking.  Only hook up is hydro.
Did our laundry in evening.

Sept 15th
Went for a walk around the park and a bike ride.
Went to Phil (MJ's bro) and Doug for a wonderful dinner and watched a DVD.

Sept 16th Sunday
Today, we are moving to a more permanent spot with water, sewer, electricity and cable.
Woohoo, we are moving up in the world.


  1. Hope you didn't leave your chain saw at Sam & Jill's.

    Where are you staying now ?

    I'm sure itchin' to get on the road !

  2. Just letting you know Louise and I are in Missoula Montana at moment heading towards Yellowstone National park tomorrow and on down to grand canyon and then to Arizona. GOOD Luck in your travels hope see you down there.


  3. Just letting you know Louise and I are in Missoula Montana at moment heading towards Yellowstone National park tomorrow and on down to grand canyon and then to Arizona. GOOD Luck in your travels hope see you down there.


    1. send me an email. can't remember where I put yours.
