Saturday, March 30, 2013

A few pics taken at Imperial Dam, Az in March.

Our friend Don took us on a walk through a small canyon not too far from our campsite.

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Don & MJ chatting away                        Does this look like a camel carved in the rock?

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Yes, they did walk out of it.                  Don showing how big these rocks are.

We went to visit the Yuma Territorial jail museum.


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MJ didn’t realize she had to be serious. 


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What is this bug?


Last pic of our friends the burros.



The desert came alive in mid March.

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This is an Aloe Vera plant.


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We are now on the move toward B.C.   Will post more as we go along.  Left Imperial Dam on Tuesday the 26th and taking our time as we don’t want to be in BC much before mid April. 


  1. I believe that is a Master Blister Beetle. Great pics of the desert flowers. Have a safe trip. Gerald and Janice

  2. tks J & G, will look it up on Google.
