Sunday, October 20, 2013

70 miles to go.

Slept at Wells, Nevada on the 18th Thursday, it was freezing there,  in Alamo, Nevada last night and tonight, we are in a BLM campground at Quartzsite, Arizona.  Tomorrow, we will head out to our final destination: Imperial Dam.  Just checked the temperature and it is 29 C.  Not bad at all.  Can you say shorts and flip flops.  All the windows in the trailer are open.  We are happy campers.


Our first visitor, while we were enjoying a beverage.

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In our back yard.

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David, this one is for you.  A 1940 Chevrolet, Business coupe.



  1. Is that 29 ° celcius u say? Brrrr;) have a good winter
    - tally

  2. brrrrr at 29 celcius, where r u staying. having a great time already. how are you two and mom doing?

  3. Mom won't retire, no one knows why. we are doing good, hoping to be done the full time working thing by summer:)
