Saturday, February 1, 2014

As promised, pics of the baby.

As promised 2 weeks ago, (I do procrastinate), here are a few pics of our latest baby.

The 3 first pics were taken the day of his birth or the following day.  Yes, he’s a he.




The following pics were taken a week later.  Cute or what.




Just a few burros grazing behind our trailer.



January was a busy month for birthdays.  First, Donna on the 10th, bit of a party and campfire here.  Kathy M. on the 13th.  Party at their friends in Yuma.  Leona on the 21st and Cathy H. on the 22nd.  We had a couple of parties here and campfire for Cathy and me.

Donna and her hubby Mike we met here last year.  They are from Vernon, B.C.

Kathy M. and her partner CJ are old friends from Vancouver originally and now live in Duncan and are avid boaters.  They were in Yuma for a couple of weeks on their way home to Duncan and searching for a new sailboat as they made their way back to B.C. 

Cathy and hubby Ken are from New Mexico and we met them in B.C. at Goose Lake several years ago.  They came to visit us on Quadra last summer and promised to be in Arizona to celebrate our birthdays.

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Lynden and Charlie like to play                 Rod and Candy

jokes on me so this is the hat they

made for me.  (long story)

That is Ken beside me and Cathy standing.

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Karen, Donna & Mike                                      Buzz and Karen

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Charlie & Lynden                                     Seems I was grumpy one day.  (Me grumpy?)

No decent pic of Cathy and of course of MJ, she was the photographer.



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This was a bug that showed up on my birthday.  Yes, it was alive. 

Does anyone know what it is????????????????????????




1 comment:

  1. Gerald says that that is a Stick Insect ... one of 100's of varieties. Actually, there's a girl here on Quadra who breeds them and sells them ... not sure what for ;) And we wondered, how is your arm?
