Friday, August 22, 2014

MJ’s Garden and our fancy fencing.

MJ made this gorgeous little garden to feed us, the deer and slugs.  She planted lettuce, radish, kale and tomatoes.  We enjoyed the lettuce and kale and 3 or 4 radishes.  Tomatoes are coming quite nicely.

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This is what it looked like before,          during

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and after building.


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                                                                      The only 4 radishes that came up/




This is what it looks now, tomatoes and a dahlia on it’s second growth after the deer ate it.



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Two pieces of driftwood we found.


  1. Thank you for posting these pictures ... and now I get to see it for real on Sunday!!!

  2. Nice garden, and what a beautiful view

  3. I know it's been awhile and I tried e-mailing you guys with my 'medical update', however the e-mail address I have on file is no longer good.

    So I'm hoping you'll get this from here.

    I just didn't want you to hear the news second hand or after the fact.

    If you want to know, my e-mail address hasn't changed so you can contact me with yours.
