Wednesday, April 18, 2012


Went to change our insurance for the townhouse to have lower coverage and to cover liability for a rental unit.  You would think we are moving to the other side of the world.  A thousand questions later, we came out of ther with one sheet of paper. 

We then came home and went to lunch with our buddy Steve from Victoria, who was here for a bit working in Abbotsford, he was on his way home.

We tackled the task of getting rid of most of our old pictures which we hadn't looked at for over 15 years.  In the dumpster they go.......


  1. GASP !! I hope you scanned them first !! And where are the pics you were supposed to send me ??

    1. Still have those, and that's about it. MJ kept a few from her family, and I dumped all of mine. Never look at them, so why keep them.
