Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Rental Agreement signed

Had the rental management company in this afternoon.  We are now officially landlords.  That sounds weird. 
We painted the spare bedroom yesterday and new carpet will be put in on Thursday.  We will paint the main bedroom on Thursday. 
The auctioneer is coming in tomorrow to look at our furniture and see what he can sell.


  1. So VERY exciting ! You'll wish you did this years ago. LOL

    Take lots of pics of everything. It's all part of the purging, getting ready process.

  2. P.S. Take off 'da damn 'word verification' on your Blog.

  3. So what are the months that you'll be in Arizona, that's close enough for a drive over. Just have to get through Texas. I'm really happy for you guys. we've decided not to sell the house for the time being. Now that I'm retired Skip says he's not really ready yet. so....I'm just kind of hanginng out. I'll give you a call in a couple of days. Your Swamp Bud.

    1. Woo hoo, that would be great. will be there Oct. to March.
