Saturday, December 28, 2013

Christmas has come and gone and we are all turkeys…..

Oops, I meant we are all turkeyed out.  There, that’s better.

Here, at the BLM Yuma, there is a place called the Christian Service Centre.  There, we can get propane, fresh drinking Water, Solar panels installed, mail and of course, being a Christian Centre, there is a church.  And what do churches do at Christmas time?????  They have a concert.  Being part of the Desert pickers (our ukulele) group, we were invited to play 4 songs at the concert.  So, Here are a couple of pics of my musical debut as a Ukulele player.

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The fellow in the white shirt is the teacher, Gord.

We all had a ball.

I have videos of the choir and solos by Gord and Patsy Mae, but somehow, I can’t publish the videos.  (anyone know how to do this?)

These concerts were on the 21st and 22nd of Dec.

On the 23rd, we had our annual picnic for the Hurricane Ridge campers.  Had a great time.  As I was leaving the park, I tripped and hurt my shoulder.  By Christmas day, the pain was unbearable, so we went to Yuma emergency.  Took x-rays and got poked by several nurses and a doctor and finally came to a diagnose of a tendon ripped from the shoulder bone.  Ouch.  Ouch, Ouch, that sounds bad.  lol  So, received a prescription for Percocet and was sent home.  OOOOOOOh happy days……. until the Percocet wore off.  By yesterday, the 27th no meds left and the pain was constant.  Back to emergency for more Percocet and I had made an apt with  an acupuncturist, he did the trick.  Am in a lot less pain and no meds today.  Going to see him again on Monday and I will kiss his boots.

Christmas dinner was with Charlie, Lynden, Donna, Mike, Heinz and Ursula and of course, MJ. 

Boxing day brunch with the same rowdy crowds less Heinz and Ursula.     Good food with good friends.

Tonight, Friday, they are all gone bowling and I am relaxing here at home and blogging, with still no meds.  woo hoo.

Monday, December 23, 2013

Parade of lights around our campground

These folks decorate their vehicles every year and drive around making us smile

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Then, there are the people camping here with their decorations.

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Kathy and Jim and Snoopy                      Doug and Irene

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Lynn and Wayne                                         Bill and Lorraine

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Jo and Bert                                                 Eric


And or course, let’s not forget our nevergreen tree.






Saturday, December 21, 2013

Our Nevergreen tree.

In the desert, there are no evergreen trees.  Of course, we can go buy one for an arm and a leg, but, let’s face it, it’s much more fun to use our imagination and get something free from mother nature.  So, Mike and Lynden took off one sunny morning and went on a search of a Nevergreen tree.  They kept it a secret as to where they found it. We decorated it with stuff found at a second hand store, in the bowels of our rigs, along the desert floor and anywhere that something appeared that looked like it could fit on our tree. And of course, some made out of beer cans.  This is what it looks like now.

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Mike, Donna, Charlie, Me, Lynden,  Dogs:  Mollie and Jazz

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Lynden getting orders from everyone.      Burro supervising.


Lynden still taking orders from everybody.



Friday, December 6, 2013

The New Brunswick girls are gone.

Yup, Lyse, Wendy, Leslie and Peggy along with the four dogs left this morning.  It’s soooooooooo quiet here.  Just for you Wendy. lol  Had a great visit with my old pal Lyse.

Our gas heater is giving MJ a hard time.  Was making noise, so she cleaned it up and now the gas won’t come through.  Grrrrrr.  Will have to wait and see if she can fix it.

A few pics that Lyse took of the gang.

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Donna & Mike                     Charlie & Lynden


That would be moi and MJ


Peggy, Leslie, Moi and MJ.  That is water in my glass.

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Lyse                                                                  Wendy

The weather here has turned just a tad cold.  When the sun come out it’s ok, but with clouds, it can be quite cool.  Beats rain and snow.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Old friend is visiting

An old friend whom I haven’t seen in about 27 years Lyse Audet and her partner Wendy arrived last Tuesday.  What a nice visit.  We have not stopped talking about the good old days. Two of their friends arrived yesterday.  They are on a trip of a lifetime that started in July in Fredericton, N.B. and will end in May 2014.

We went bowling with them and 4 other friends on Saturday and had a ball. 

We had our US Thanksgiving dinner on the 28th with about 40 people, what a feast.  Everyone brought a dish and we all enjoyed all the goodies.

Last night, we went to a Chinese smorgasbord.  Another yummy dinner.

Last night the wind picked up like crazy.  MJ brought in the slide just to save the awning covering it.  Still windy now, but not as bad.

Friends of ours, Linda and Ian had to put down their 6 year old golden retriever Ben on Monday.  He was full of cancer.  We are all very sad on the ridge as everyone knew Ben.  He would sit on your feet and push into you to get pets.