Saturday, June 5, 2010

June 3rd & 4th, Thursday & Friday - Kayak hunting.

Long story short - Niece Lynn wants a 16 ft Boreal Design kayak. She will jump over the moon to get one. We went all over hell's creation on Thursday and Friday to find a used one because new ones cost an arm and a leg. She loves to drive so on Friday we ended up in Moncton which is about 190 miles from here. We first started by going to St Louis de Kent where some guy sold these kayaks, but no used one, so Lynn said let's go to Moncton, so away we went. Still no kayak. However, we laughed a lot along the trip. My other niece: Lise and hubby Pierre and 2 kids Jessie and Shanie arrived Friday for the week end. The house was full on Friday evening with 2 nieces and their families, Albert, Lorraine, MJ, Sylvie and me. Had a great time. Will I go on another kayak hunting trip. NO. Cold is getting much better. Feeling like a human being again.

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